Church Outside the Lines

Church Outside the Lines

Churches can take many different tacks when it comes to Christian theology. Bounded set theology,  which is the most popular interpretation by the Church today when it comes to Christian Discipleship,... ...more

Coaching & Mentoring ,Multiplication Emotional Healing &Discipleship

March 23, 20236 min read

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Dr. Jeffery D. Skinner, Husband, Father,Pastor, Author, Missional Leadership Coach

Father, Husband, Pastor, Planter, coach, podcaster, author, serial entrepreneur, child of God, Dr. Skinner is a passionate Christian Leader who loves helping other ministers and Christian leaders discern their God given vision and mission for their local context to lunch and grow their church or ministry in their local community. He is a connector.

Dr. Skinner finds common ground and crossover and bridges people to each other. Dr. Skinner has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in a myriad of secular life such as the IT Industry, but also has over 15 years experience panting churches. He is a Senior Master Trainer for Dynamic Church Planting International.

Dr. Skinner is currently serving as the Global director of Academy Online Coached Training for DCPI, where he is leading a team to develop the coaching curriculum for their 9 training tracks for the world.

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