Echoes Blog

Reverberating Echoes

February 03, 20234 min read

“New Guests often make up their mind as to whether or not they will return within the first ten minutes of arriving on campus, before they have ever heard the first instrument or heard the pastor speak. Be intentional about the first 10 minutes." Dr. Jeffery D Skinner

Creating an Amazing Guest Experience

Disney pitches itself as the “the happiest place on earth”. They say, “ It’s an enclosed environment where people trust they are safe wherever they are in the park.”  Current controversies aside, they have had fifty years of success by creating amazing guest experiences that have people returning to them time and time again.


As a church planter and church planting coach,  I am a stickler for training my staff and core team about guest experiences. Disney trains its staff to put the guest at ease. I teach church planters that they must also reduce guest anxiety. There is always a certain level of anxiety related to first time experiences, and when it comes to attending something as social as a church, it can feel especially vulnerable. As I coach others, I like to show up at their church unannounced. I want the same experience as a typical first time guest. I look for a few things when I attend a church for the first time.


*Clear signage: From the moment a guest enters the church parking lot, they are forming an opinion, even if it’s subconsciously. Clear signage is one way you can begin to shape a positive opinion as soon as possible. Is there guest parking? Are there attendants? Where’s the entrance? Is the entrance clearly marked?


Once inside, there needs to be clear signage to restrooms, the worship center, children’s areas, and other important areas. Additionally, the greeters need to be prepared to assist. Regardless of size, clear signage is a must for reducing guest anxiety.


*Smiling and joyous personalities: A smiling face of any age and or multiple ages to welcome guests and answer questions are another way a church can make a first time guest feel at ease. I always caution my greeters to read the body language of guests. Don’t tackle them the minute they walk in,  but a nice smile with eye contact will usually give permission to politely engage the guest.


*Be authentic:  Don’t try to be something you are not. Gen X and Millennials are the most marketed to generation ever and can sense fake. Don’t try to be all things to all people. If you’re hip, be hip; if you’re ultra conservative, be ultra conservative. Do not reject someone because they think, look or act differently than you; but don’t pretend. It is your faithful life to Christ that will attract people. “Be holy therefore because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16).


Disney has different theme parks that appeal to different groups. I encourage my church planters to keep notes as they are planting their current church to use for the next church they plant. Maybe it will appeal to a different group. If you really want to engage first time guests, have someone invite them. It’s more true today than ever before. We tend to attract who we are.


*Start on time: Start with a focus on worship. Don’t waste time with announcements that are most likely irrelevant to first time guests. First time guests haven’t even decided for certain if they will return. They don’t need to know everything that happened last week or will be happening in the next three months. Utilize the time before and after service to put announcements on the screen. After you have engaged the guests, you might mention relevant information but put everything else on the screen website, or a handout.


*Follow up: It is important that you track guest attendance, but utilize technology. There are many affordable solutions available to assist with this task that makes intentional follow-up easier. However,  guest engagement is the gold standard. A good follow-up strategy will lead to more guest engagement and ultimately more second and even third visits. There is not a one size fits all strategy, but by getting to know the community a pastor or leader will find clues. Some things however, are common to all people. A few areas to find potential connections are:


  • Similar age of children

  • Sports league or team of children or teens.

  • Common interests

  • Friends of friends


A church doesn’t need a Disney sized budget to create an amazing guest experience. Ultimately, people want to belong and know someone cares. People are more connected than at any time in history, but are simultaneously more isolated than ever. Jesus told his disciples, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Wouldn’t we all love for our churches to have the reputation as the happiest people on earth?!

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Dr. Jeffery D Skinner

Father, Husband, Pastor, Planter, coach, podcaster, author, serial entrepreneur, child of God, Dr. Skinner is a passionate Christian Leader who loves helping other ministers and Christian leaders discern their God given vision and mission for their local context to lunch and grow their church or ministry in their local community. He is a connector. He finds common ground and crossover and bridges people to each other. Dr. skinner has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in a myriad of secular life such as the IT Industry, but also has over 15 years experience panting churches. He is a Senior Master Trainer for Dynamic Church Planting International. Dr. Skinner is currently serving as the Global director of Academy Online Training for DCPI, where he is leading a team to develop the coaching curriculum for their 9 training tracks for the world.

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Dr. Jeffery D. Skinner, Husband, Father,Pastor, Author, Missional Leadership Coach

Father, Husband, Pastor, Planter, coach, podcaster, author, serial entrepreneur, child of God, Dr. Skinner is a passionate Christian Leader who loves helping other ministers and Christian leaders discern their God given vision and mission for their local context to lunch and grow their church or ministry in their local community. He is a connector.

Dr. Skinner finds common ground and crossover and bridges people to each other. Dr. Skinner has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in a myriad of secular life such as the IT Industry, but also has over 15 years experience panting churches. He is a Senior Master Trainer for Dynamic Church Planting International.

Dr. Skinner is currently serving as the Global director of Academy Online Coached Training for DCPI, where he is leading a team to develop the coaching curriculum for their 9 training tracks for the world.

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