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How to Navigate the Mine Field of BiVocational Ministry

February 14, 20235 min read

“ Work-life balance" is a myth. The reality is that work and life are not separate entities, but instead are intertwined and interdependent.” - Dr. Jeffery D. Skinner


It's no secret that bi-vocational ministry can be tough. You're wearing multiple hats, often working long hours, and trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Not to mention, you're also responsible for the spiritual well-being of your congregation. It's a lot of pressure! In this blog post, we'll explore some of the challenges that come with bi-vocational ministry and offer some tips on how to overcome them. Stay tuned!

Work life balance

Balancing Family, Pastoring, and a career

Balancing work, family and pastoring can be a huge challenge that can seem overwhelming. Career demands can often take priority over establishing a church, and with many pastors wearing multiple hats on top of their ministry job, it can prove to be an exhausting journey. By attaching spiritual significance to the task of balancing these three areas of life, pastors can feel encouraged to invest time into building relationships at home and within their local church. Every day brings new opportunities for learning how to prioritize God's mission in our lives and those of those we serve; it will lead us all into fruitful works while ensuring our families get the support they need!

Time management tips for bi-vocational ministers

Bi-vocational ministry presents unique challenges for pastors looking to do their best in both worlds. A key element in being successful as a bi-vocational minister is time management. Work-life balance" is a myth. The reality is that work and life are not separate entities, but instead are intertwined and interdependent. As a result, achieving a perfect balance between the two is not always possible, especially in today's fast-paced and demanding work environment. Many individuals find themselves constantly juggling the demands of work, family, and personal obligations, often feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Ministers must focus on utilizing their time in the most efficient manner possible so that each task is completed with excellence and within the given timeframe. This may mean setting daily reminders, delegating some responsibilities or setting boundaries with priority tasks first. It takes effort and discipline, but setting yourself up for success through good time management tactics can lead to far better results than overworking yourself and sprinting to meet deadlines at the last minute.

How to maintain a healthy work/life balance

Work and life can't be kept entirely separate, but with careful consideration, it is possible to keep them in balance. It's important to prioritize rest and relaxation: set specific times to switch off from work stresses and practice self-care. Take days off if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't take on more than you can handle, and make sure not to bring work home too often. Taking occasional breaks throughout the day can prove beneficial as well, either for a cup of coffee or for a quick stretch around the block - any little thing that will give you a mental breather. Additionally, plan out days or weeks in advance when possible so worrying about what needs to be done doesn't crowd out leisure time. With all this taken into account, maintaining your own version of a healthy working lifestyle should become simpler and everyone will reap the benefits.

The importance of self-care for bi-vocational ministers

Self-care, especially for bi-vocational ministers who are managing both their ministerial duties and a full-time job, is of utmost importance. With so many obligations and responsibilities, it can be difficult to find time for themselves; however, carving out just a few minutes each day to practice self-care can have drastic improvements on mental and physical health. Whether it be yoga, journaling, reading a book or going for an evening walk – finding healthy ways to destress is essential because stress can lead to fatigue and low motivation which in turn affects ministering ability. It's vital that bi-vocational ministers make sure they're taking the time to care for themselves as much as their scheduled duties because when it comes down to it, there aren't enough hours in the day but their wellbeing deserves attention regardless.

Bi-vocational ministry success stories

Gary Huff is a perfect example of a successful bi-vocational minister - he successfully balanced his job in the corporate world alongside his ministry for years. Gary started leading Bible studies out of his home in the evenings and on weekends and eventually formed small groups and groups of outreach workers that would take to the streets after Gary himself got off work. Today, Gary's church teams are impacting cities far and wide with their love, compassion and dedication to God's work. Gary stands as an inspiring testimony to just what people can achieve when they put their energy, passion and commitment into their mission field - even despite having to work another full-time job!


We hope this blog post was valuable for any Ministers or those considering becoming bi-vocational! With dedication, creativity, and help from the right people, bi-vocational ministry can be extremely rewarding and successful. All bi-vocational ministers should remember to prioritize self-care, be careful when managing two jobs' workloads, create a practical plan of action to fulfill both tasks and set aside time for leisure activities. Additionally, meeting with mentors or hiring a coach who specializes in bi-vocational ministry may be beneficial. With these tips, Ministers will likely discover joy in their responsibilities no matter how many employments they juggle. Finally, if you’re considering the path of a bi-vocational Minister, keep following God’s call and focus on mission - delegate where possible, persevere when times get tough but it's important to also know when it's time to pivot or let go of something and be open to new possibilities as life changes. Dr. Jeff Skinner has a free training as a trial run for those who would like to consider hiring a coach.

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Dr. Jeffery D Skinner

Father, Husband, Pastor, Planter, coach, podcaster, author, serial entrepreneur, child of God, Dr. Skinner is a passionate Christian Leader who loves helping other ministers and Christian leaders discern their God given vision and mission for their local context to lunch and grow their church or ministry in their local community. He is a connector. He finds common ground and crossover and bridges people to each other. Dr. skinner has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in a myriad of secular life such as the IT Industry, but also has over 15 years experience panting churches. He is a Senior Master Trainer for Dynamic Church Planting International. Dr. Skinner is currently serving as the Global director of Academy Online Training for DCPI, where he is leading a team to develop the coaching curriculum for their 9 training tracks for the world.

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Dr. Jeffery D. Skinner, Husband, Father,Pastor, Author, Missional Leadership Coach

Father, Husband, Pastor, Planter, coach, podcaster, author, serial entrepreneur, child of God, Dr. Skinner is a passionate Christian Leader who loves helping other ministers and Christian leaders discern their God given vision and mission for their local context to lunch and grow their church or ministry in their local community. He is a connector.

Dr. Skinner finds common ground and crossover and bridges people to each other. Dr. Skinner has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in a myriad of secular life such as the IT Industry, but also has over 15 years experience panting churches. He is a Senior Master Trainer for Dynamic Church Planting International.

Dr. Skinner is currently serving as the Global director of Academy Online Coached Training for DCPI, where he is leading a team to develop the coaching curriculum for their 9 training tracks for the world.

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